Did you know that 7 out of 10 don’t actively search for jobs?

To have a chance at reaching the right audience for you, you need to have a presence on digital platforms! Contact us today to get started.

Are you struggling to reach your target audience?

In today's digital world, the solution is right at your fingertips!

Digital marketing has become an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes. With the power of the Internet and the constantly growing number of online users, your potential customers are already out there – all you need to do is tap into their interests and behaviors to effectively reach them.

Ready to elevate your business to new heights? Don’t miss out on the power of digital marketing. Invest today and reach your full potential!

target audience
digital marketing
social media job ads

Revolutionize your hiring strategy with social media job ads

It’s time to leverage the immense reach and targeting capabilities of social media platforms. With job ads on social media, you can unlock a treasure trove of qualified candidates, giving your organization a competitive edge in today’s talent-driven market.

Don’t miss out on the tremendous benefits of social media job ads. Amplify your recruitment efforts, reach a wider pool of candidates, and connect with top talent that fits your organization’s needs. Get ready to revolutionize your hiring strategy and build a winning team!

Harness the power of employer branding to attract & engage top candidates

Employer branding plays a significant role in attracting and retaining top talent, and when combined with strategic advertising on social media platforms, it can further amplify its benefits. By utilizing the reach, targeting capabilities and interactive nature of social media platforms, you can showcase your employer brand to a broader audience and create a compelling narrative that resonates with prospective candidates.

Remember that building a strong employer brand requires consistent effort, effective communication and a commitment to creating a positive work environment.

employer branding

SweApps - A part of the EHRAB group

SweApps is a part of the EHRAB Group, and the goal is to offer innovative staffing and recruitment solutions for the construction sector. 

EHRAB has a large network of workers

Tested workers in the database
+ 0
Employees out on projects
+ 0
Total members in the network
+ 0

We have experience within all aspects of Human Resources

Recruitment & Staffing
Employment services
Cooperation with worker unions
Fair employment agreements

Don't let your business fall behind in the digital age. Invest in digital marketing today and stay ahead of the game